About Us

In 2006 and after 12 years driving road tankers around the UK, a change of career saw ‘The Shoe Room’ business owners Richard and wife Michelle accept an invitation to work with a small shoe repair business in Doncaster South Yorkshire.
At first, hands on learning to repair shoes until one day a Gentleman brought in a pair of ‘good shoes’ for a new sole and heel to be fitted. Not the kind of shoes customers were bringing in most days, these were ‘different’. Ever the inquisitive type, I questioned where that customer might have purchased shoes like this and more important, where might he go to find his next pair? These were not the kind of shoes that were found commonplace on most UK high streets. And so began my research into various UK Shoemakers, and the products they were producing.
Around six months later, we introduced footwear retail to the business, by bringing in Tricker’s, Loake and Grenson. Michelle and I naturally gravitated into the role of taking care of this new retail direction and with sustained and continued growth, more brands soon followed. Over time and as the business became more viable, we took a 50% ownership in the business.
With a never ending passion for quality and service, the reputation of ‘Richard at Shoehealer’ soon became recognised internationally and on occasion, even the manufacturers themselves would recommend the services of Richard and Michelle, to those in need of the very best advice.
Sadly after around 11 years, the business partnership faltered as so often they do. This led to our leaving Shoehealer, the business we had helped to develop and grow for so many years and start again.
With the endorsements and support of the manufacturers we had worked with for so long, ‘The Shoe Room’ was born in November 2017.
Still based in Doncaster and still with the same determined passion for quality and service, The Shoe Room serves to continue our ambition of providing the very best products with unrivalled customer service.
Since opening our new store we have won several national and international awards including 'Shop Front of the Year', 'Men's Independent Footwear Retailer of the Year' and 'Excellence in Business for Customer Service'. In 2021 we were 'Highly Commended' at the prestigious Drapers Footwear Awards. We have also introduced more iconic brands, several of which are exclusive to The Shoe Room in the Doncaster area, including the brand phenomenon Fairfax & Favor, the incredible Australian brand R M Williams and iconic American brand Redwing and more.
As we always have, we promise the best advice, the most honest advice, a beautiful town centre store where customers are encouraged to take all the time they need in a no pressure environment. A comprehensively stocked Bar where complimentary drinks are served and always with no obligation.
Quite simply, the word on the street now, is ‘Go and see Richard and Michelle at The Shoe Room’, they will look after you……and we surely will !
Open 7 days each week, we offer private shopping out of hours at any time to suit you. Our ‘Concierge Service’ also allows you to make an appointment where ‘We Come to You’ ! At your place of work during the day, or at your home on an evening.
The multi-award winning Shoe Room in Doncaster offer a unique retail experience, and there can be no better way to invest in a pair of Great Shoes !
Please contact us any time with any questions you may have….we will be delighted to serve you. richard@theshoeroomdoncaster.com 00+44 (0) 1302 360985 / 07802 824772